Tag Archive: quickest way to lose weight

How to Get Slim: 5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight on the Job

how to get slim

Last week, my ex-colleague after knowing that I’ve created a successful fat loss program for busy corporate professionals came up to me and asked me the million dollar question:
“How can I get slim? How do I lose weight easily?”

Fast Lane, Fast Food – Avoid Corporate Loser Lunches to Reduce Tummy Fat

Avoid Corporate Loser Lunch

It is very easy to get caught up in the fast food folly because it is “so inexpensive” to eat at many of these places and they are often convenient to where you work. A little forethought on your part and you could bring something from home that would be much better for you and might even help with how to reduce tummy fat.

Top 10 Fat Loss & Muscle Building Jargons You Must Know

Every hobby, sport, industry and even profession has their own jargons. The fat loss and muscle building realm is certainly no exception. Just because you are not a seasoned professional or personal trainer doesn’t mean you don’t have to know the lingo. In fact, if you are just starting a fat loss or muscle building…

Office Weight Loss Tips: 5 Worst Office Pantry Food that Make You Fat

office weight loss tips - how to get slim

Every office pantry has some of these; foods that will sabotage your fat loss plans and bring you back to square one. In today’s office weight loss tip, I’m going to share with you some of the 5 worst office pantry foods that you should avoid like the plague if you want to know how to get slim.

Exercises to Lose Weight Fast (Video #3): Bulgarian Squats

bulgarian squats

In today’s Exercises to Lose Weight Fast Video Series, we are going to introduce a unilateral exercise called, Bulgarian Squats. For those who feel that the regular prisoner squats is too easy, this is a great exercise to reignite muscular growth in your quads and get your body burning more calories.

How to Reduce Tummy in Just 10 Minutes a Day

how to reduce tummy - daniel ho abs

There are so many myths about the ideal training duration and the fat burning zone that now many people are starting to believe that you need to workout at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week to see results. As far as how to reduce tummy is concerned, there is no fixed rule that you have to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. In fact, I’m going to dispel this myth and reveal to you that exercising just 10 minutes a day can in fact help you to burn fat and lose weight.

Best Way to Lose Weight: Does Drinking Water Help Weight Loss?

drinking water help weight loss

Can something as simple as drinking water help weight loss? Before you dismiss this, ask yourself if you drink enough water every day. If you think that just because you work in an office and do not perspire much and hence do not need to drink so much water, you are wrong! In fact, we corporate workers drink less water than we realize! In fact, we probably drink more coffee than water! We sit in the office all day checking emails and rushing deadlines. Before you know it, your next sip of water only comes at lunchtime. Personally I have gone for almost a day in the office without touching a sip of water. It is only when my throat was so dry and I can’t even talk on the phone properly that I was reminded I haven’t had anything to drink at all.

Best Way to Lose Weight: Start Snacking in the Office!

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Truth is, one of the best way to lose weight is to eat every three hours as it helps to stroke your metabolism and prevent your body from storing fat. And snacking between meals is the easiest way to do that. But before you get too excited about your containers of cookies, crackers and candies that you display oh-so-proudly on your desk, understand that only certain snacks that will help you to lose weight. Because we office workers are always in a rush for time, we need snacks that don’t need a lot of time to prepare and hopefully is something that can be consumed immediately at your desk.
Lets take a look at some of my personal favorite fat burning snacks and see whether you have any of these in your office tidbit stash.

How to Get Slim: 5 Breakfast Foods to Avoid for Office Workers

An ex-colleague of mine has breakfast at his desk every morning. I reckon he picked a random combination of what he had on his desk: three boxes of breakfast cereals, a liter of artificial blackcurrant syrup, ketchup bottle and a box of muesli bars. You may not be like my ex-colleague, but the truth is,…

Exercise to Reduce Tummy: Is it Really Necessary?

If I get a dollar every time someone asks me how they can reduce their tummy without exercising, I’ll have… well at least 20 dollars in the past few months. While its true that you can probably get away with losing some weight without exercising, the outcome of your weight loss may be far from ideal compared to someone who does. Here are some very good reasons why you should include exercising as part of your plan to reduce tummy: