Tag Archive: corporate Life Can Make You Fat

Office Weight Loss Tip: How to Prevent Mindless Snacking

Office weight loss tips: preventing mindless snacking

In today’s office weight loss tips, we’re going to talk about preventing one of the worst habits that many of us office workers are guilty of – snacking on junk food. A lot of people overlook the time spent in the office as a key contributor to weight gain. Let’s face it, we spend at…

Office Weight Loss Tips: 5 Worst Office Pantry Food that Make You Fat

office weight loss tips - how to get slim

Every office pantry has some of these; foods that will sabotage your fat loss plans and bring you back to square one. In today’s office weight loss tip, I’m going to share with you some of the 5 worst office pantry foods that you should avoid like the plague if you want to know how to get slim.

Coffee or Energy Drink? Which is Better for Losing Tummy Fat?

Are you one of the many people who need to start your work day with a cup of coffee or a can of energy drink? I know I am. In fact, I used to have one grande hazelnut latte in the morning and a can of energy drink later in the day before I head to the gym. This habit continued for months and inevitably lead to my corporate belly. If your goal is to lose tummy fat and you absolutely need to have your daily caffeine fix, then read on to find out whether coffee or energy drinks are more detrimental to your fat loss goal.

How to Reduce Tummy Step 1: Understand that Corporate Life Can Make You Fat! (Feature Video)

An often neglected aspect of how we get fat, this video reveals the frightening truth about how working in the corporate world can get us fat!