4 Exercise Criteria You MUST Meet To Lose Weight Successfully

exercise to reduce tummy

Still doing sit ups in an attempt to reduce tummy?

When it comes to exercising to reduce tummy fat, there are so many different schools of thought out there. Some may say you need to exercise for 20 minutes with moderate intensity so you can remain in the fat burning zone. While others claim that just by jogging for 30 minutes every day and you will automatically burn off your belly fat. Oh and don’t forget the all-time favorite, just do 500 sit ups a day and you will get an amazing six pack.

Does any of the above sound familiar to you?

If you have done or believed in any of them, it’s little wonder why you haven’t seen any results because those are all a load of nonsense.

In this post, I will quickly summarize the 4 important criteria you must meet in your workouts if you are looking for the quickest way to lose weight effectively!

Just remember 2B and 2H:

  1. Burning: Have you ever done so many bodyweight squats non-stop that you feel like your legs are about to turn into jelly? In order to reduce tummy fat, your workouts need to give you such an intense burn in your muscles that every fiber of your being is begging you to stop. This is otherwise called, metabolic failure.Workouts that are particular effective in ensuring metabolic failure or the burning effect are those that require you to do as many repetitions of an exercise as you can within a set period of time. For example, perform as many squats as you can in 30 seconds or sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds.
  2. Breathlessness: Being breathless ensures that you are reaching a high level of heart rate for optimum fat burning. Your workouts need to be intense enough to make you pant for breath. Anything less, you are just short changing and cheating yourself.Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to exercise for 20 minutes to be breathless. Short bouts of all-out effort exercises such as interval training are excellent for getting your heart rate up quickly in a short time.
  3. Heavy: If you workout at the gym and your main goal is to exercise to lose beer belly, then skip isolation movements such as the biceps curl, triceps pull-down and head over to the squat rack instead. Compound movements such as squats, pull ups, deadlifts, rowing and shoulder press activate more muscle groups and creates a greater overall caloric burn.Since compound exercises recruit more muscle groups to perform, you are able to lift heavier on these power movements. Without sacrificing good form, add more weight to the compound movements until you are only able to muster between 5 – 6 repetitions.Heavy compound training not only gives you a huge jolt in your metabolic rate but it also shocks your central nervous system and forces it to adapt to the new poundage.

    The result: your testosterone increases, your muscles get stronger, your metabolic rate sky rockets and you burn more fat!

  4. Heat: My army officer used to say, “What good is the exercise if it doesn’t make you sweat?” I couldn’t agree with him more. Your workouts need to cause you to sweat to ensure that your body is generating enough heat. But if you followed the aforementioned 3 criteria, this should automatically be achieved.

Being the busy corporate workers that we are, here is an effective fat loss workout that you can do during lunchtime that incorporates all or most of the 4 fat burning pillars above.

Equipment: Stairmaster, treadmill, stationary bike

Duration: 12 minutes

The workout: Warm up for 5 minutes at 40-50% intensity

–          Perform the first set at 60% intensity for one minute.
(Taking the treadmill as an example, if your warm up speed is 10km/hr, then crank it up to 12km/hr)

–          Active recovery for one minute. (Return to warm up speed or slower to recover)

–          Perform the next set at 70% intensity for one minute. (This would be 14km/hr using the same example)

–          Active recovery for one minute.

–          Last set perform at 80% intensity (16km/hr) for one minute

–          Active recovery for one minute and cool down

Now that you understand what the 4 main criteria for fat loss are, make sure you keep them in mind the next time you are exercising to reduce tummy.

Sometimes it is hard to come up with a fat burning workout that ensures all of the above criteria are met. That’s why my 10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan includes 7 effective fat burning workouts that meet all of the fat burning criteria above. What’s more, it can be done at the comfort of your own home with just your bodyweight for only 10 minutes a day!

If you think that a 10 minute workout cannot be intense, I challenge you to take up the program.

Find out more about 10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan today. Remember to sign up for my newsletter for a special discount.

One Response to 4 Exercise Criteria You MUST Meet To Lose Weight Successfully
  1. 10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan |
    October 9, 2011 | 8:05 PM

    […] Loss PlansHow to Make Soap VideoDeveloping A Reasonable Fat Loss Plan4 Week Summer Fat Loss Plan4 Exercise Criteria You MUST Meet To Lose Weight Successfully body { background-image: […]

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